Friday, January 16, 2009

An Update From Me!

I feel like I owe myself an update. I haven't posted in like two months. I know you're wondering "what could a person been doing for two months?" The answer is pretty much absolutely nothing. I had finals and then Christmas and I've been on a vacation for about a month. It's been really nice. I've kinda done nothing but read and watch movies. I gotta get back into the swing of every day life though in a few days. Anyway, the real reason I wanted to post is just I was reading an article about the cinematographers of 2008 and I can across a few very pretty shots I thought were beautiful.

This is by Harris Savide from Gus Van Sant's Milk. It was done in post production but I don't think that takes away from it. It was two shots combined into one: a whistle and then Harvey Milk (Sean Penn). I just saw Milk the other day and I absolutely loved it and I'll try to get a review posted in a few days. This might not have been my 100 percent favorite shot in the film but I think it's a great one that stands out.

This is Roger Deakin (who is one of the best in the business) from Sam Mendes Revolutionary Road. I'm reading the book right now and so I haven't seen the film yet but I can place this exactly where it takes place in the novel and it's nothing short of beauty and heartbreak at the same time.

This is from The Wrestler and I don't know much about the film except that its directed by Darren Aronofsky who is an absolute favorite of mine. All of his work has been so good so far. I'm seeing this on Sunday so I really can't wait. The only thing I know about this shot is that its the opening frame in the film and I really think it sets the tone beautifully.

Christopher Nolan made one of the best films he could ever possibly make with The Dark Knight. It's so well shot that this is actually the first of two shots on the top 10 shot list in the magazine. I would say this is one of the best of the Joker even though there are so many. The whole "defying Gravity" works so well with the joker and it's so haunting. It's really powerful, but then again, there are so many you can choose from that are great.

I remember seeing this shot in the very first teaser trailer and it was the one shot that stuck out to me. It was the last frame in the trailer and in the second full trailer it wasn't in it. I knew looking at it at the time it was a spoiler for the film, but I honestly didn't care because it was so beautiful. Even though its only a few seconds in the film (which disappoints me to say in the least), looking at the frame right here, it's breathtaking. It means more in this single frame than most of the whole movie adds up to. I mean, this is it. It sums it up and it's heartbreaking.

There are a few more shots on the list that I hadn't really seen from the films yet or didn't really connect with me as well as these. Obviously this isn't my list but it's always neat to look at someone elses shot list and see what they mean to you.

1 comment:

Something Jenna-ish said...

those are all really nice shots. it's nice to look at an individual piece from a whole work and still have it say so much. pretty sweet what was the magazine that you got it from?