Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw

I love weekends with really good movies. I haven't felt this good in really long time. I mean there's not a lot of things in life that can geniunely cheer you up like a really good movie. Whether or not it's something you've seen a thounsand times before or a new one left to be discovered.

One of the many movies I watched over the weekend was Heathers starring Winona Ryder. I'm a true Winona Ryder fan right down to the end. I love her in the good and be bad. There's something so beautiful and cynical about her. Especially in her teenager years. Very dark. Very opposite of Molly Ringwald only a few years earlier.

Before Mean Girls and before Juno - Heathers had created the perfect teen comedy. It shows the society that high school really is and the one-liners that only great movie dialogue and teenagers can get away with saying. I personally think people need to say "Whats your damage?" more. I want to make it a part of my vocabulary. I love the darkness of it. The humor is so twisted I can't help but feel a littke psychic when laughing. But isn't that what high school is? Psychic? It brings out every person's deepest thoughts of killing in a perfect satire form. Plus, Veronicia Sawyer is just so cool.

" I prayed for the death of Heather Chandler many times and I felt bad everytime I did it but I kept doing it anyway. Now I know you understood everything. Praise Jesus, Hallelujah."

1 comment:

Something Jenna-ish said...

I think the first time i heard "what's your damage" was in major payne. I thought it was hilarious and great and mike told me he really said "what's your damn edge" and that i shouldn't say it anymore. so young and embarrassed i never said it because i thought it contained a swear when in reality it actually was "damage." i hope to use the phrase sometime soon.