Thursday, July 3, 2008

What Goes Around Comes Around You Fake Bitch!

I just wanna say first of all - I'm a deep person. I watch a lot of brilliant films and admire so many filmmakers. I read more books than most people and I watch World News Tonight every night and read the New York Times. I just wanted to put that out there before I discuss the vanity and shallow-ness which is reality television.

I think most reality TV is crap. I think almost anyone can agree with that. With that said, I have a few vices. I can't blame people, because it's so easy to get sucked in. I mean, it might have started with the Real World years and years ago and it's evolved into more than 50 percent of what's on. When we had the writers strike a few months back, we had nothing but reality television in fact. I mean, we could murder the most intellectual filmmakers, artists and writers and television would never die because all you gotta do is put 5 goodlooking crazy people into a room together and we'll watch it.

I have to admit it now, I watched MTV's A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. Originally I said there was no way I was going to watch it, but a few friends at college on a bored Tuesday night got me into it. Heroes, The Office and Lost weren't on so we ran out of things to do on weekday nights. It was better than getting piss drunk but somehow gave you that same empty feeling.

So, I'm not going to try to rehash the drama. Tila choose Kristy and Kristy rejected her because she was confused. It's hella good reality drama. A woman decides on national television she's in love with another woman, only to be dumped by her. The question at stake is: is it real or is it fake?

At this point, we know that everything is manipulated by producers, editors and even writers. MTV is the king of it. Come on, there's no way Laguna Beach or The Hills were real. The sophisticated camera angles and lighting proved that. Sure, these kids couldn't act for shit but they were "good looking" which is why we watch. So, at this point, you gotta wonder what else are we investing into that's real or fake.

Tila Tequila herself is probably one of the biggest phonies who's name everyone knows. She basicially became famous by being attractive and getting myspace fans. She's considered the first "Internet" celebrity in fact. She's obviously begging for stardom getting her own reality series. The irony in all of this was today on Tila's official myspace page, she changed her name for a short time to "Tila Tequila: Kristy used me for reality tv" Uh, maybe someone needs to catch me up, but isn't Tila using the entire world for her own reality series? In the next week's previews of the reunion Tila calls Kristy a "fake bitch" and all Kristy has to say in return is "What goes around comes around."

So what does it matter? It's all nonsense anyway. Certainly it feels all too convenient for MTV and Tila and the irony of the world - but that's what makes great tv. I was a fan of Kristy and while I do think her confusion came suddenly, it's an understandable feeling for someone right about to take it all on. Tila's reaction of course is heartbreak but if you truly love someone shouldn't you be more caring/forgiving about something rather than be bitter? If love is real couldn't you work at it? Not when there's another few hundred thousand possible for Tila Tequila.

Basicially we love drama. It makes no difference. At first I would have felt bad for Tila because her face seemed as surprised as ours but calling someone a fake bitch when your record isn't spotless seems hypocritial. Yeah it sucks, but get over it. You can't force someone to love you like you seem to like to trick people into doing. Eating pig vagina just isn't going to prove love to someone. The few genuine people on the show - Dani, Brittany & Kristy perhaps don't make memorable tv as Chad, Vanessa, HeygirlHey and Amanda Ireton aka Frankenstein's Monster.

To be honest, I've written entirely too much on the subject already. Reality tv and the "genuine" ness of people is a thin line anymore. I said to my friends today that I could honestly just make my own reality series nowadays with my friends - all playing the key parts you need to do. As far as Tila and her shot at love goes. Next time, maybe it should be a gun shot at love. Like Kristy said, "What goes around Comes Around".

I'm just surprised her giant alien head holding that ego can still fit on that midget body.

1 comment:

Something Jenna-ish said...

love the ending of this blogspot. honestly she's not that pretty. i don't get it. if i started rejecting a few cookies and tramping around would i be popular like tila? i think that's the main problem with reality tv. it's starting to morph our perceptions–like you said what is real and what is fake? media like this really affects society whether people say they buy into it or not it's on all of the time. it's total mind pollution. this smut is creating today's vocabulary (Hey girl hey, and gangstaspeak). i honestly feel bad for the generation younger than us. i mean at least i've already developed most of my vocabulary and like you still read books. things are getting a little too 1984/Brave New Worldish for me.